Classical linear optics and perturbative nonlinear optics
Ady Arie (Il), Benoît Boulanger (Fr), Robert Boyd (Us/Ca), Marty Fejer (USA),
Fredrik Laurell (Se), Gerd Leuchs (De),Guy Millot (Fr)
- Basic equations, nonlinear susceptibilities, the primary interactions
- Tensor calculation, symmetries
- Birefringent phase-matching in bulk crystals
- Adiabatic frequency conversion, quasi-phase-matching in bulk crystals, waveguides and photonic crystals
- Mode-matching and nonlinear optics in optical fibers
- Whispering gallery modes & frequency combs in micro and nanocavities
Quantum nonlinear optics
Alain Aspect (Fr), Robert W. Boyd (Us/Ca), Maria Chekhova (De), Claude Fabre (Fr),
Gerd Leuchs (De), Miles J. Padgett (UK), Sébastien Tanzilli (Fr)
- Operators
- Correlations
- Entanglement
- Squeezing
- Orbital Angular Momentum
Extreme nonlinear optics
Paul Corkum (Ca), Gérard Mourou (Fr)
- Fundamentals
- High harmonic generation
Nonlinear media
Gérard Aka (Fr), Benoît Boulanger (Fr), Marty Fejer (Us), Martti Kauranen (Fi), Fredrik Laurell (Se), Isabelle Ledoux-Rak (Fr)
Valentin Petrov (Ge),Patricia Segonds (Fr), Valérie Veniard (Fr)
- Material engineering for nonlinear optics
- Modeling of optical nonlinearities
- Characterization of nanostructures, surfaces and bulk crystals
- Parasitic effects
- Performances & spectral domains from ultra-violet to infrared
Parametric devices and applications
Ady Arie (Il), Andrius Baltuska (Au), Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh (Es), Antoine Godard (Fr), Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein (Fr),
Thomas Südmeyer (Ch), Hugo Zbinden (Ch)
- Optical parametric generators, amplificators & oscillators
- Ultra short pulse laser technologies
- Gas detection, LIDAR
- Biophotonics
- Quantum information
- Nonlinear holography
- novel high power sources and their challenges, CEP-stabilization, applications in metrology
Parametric devices and applications
Ady Arie (Il), Andrius Baltuska (Au), Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh (Es), Antoine Godard (Fr), Marie-Claire Schanne-Klein (Fr),
Thomas Südmeyer (Ch), Hugo Zbinden (Ch)
- Optical parametric generators, amplificators & oscillators
- Ultra short pulse laser technologies
- Gas detection, LIDAR
- Biophotonics
- Quantum information
- Nonlinear holography
- Novel high power sources and their challenges, CEP-stabilization, applications in metrology